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Sign up for lifetime access and get 20% off! Use the discount code: LALIFE20 at the checkout.
Summertime is here and so if you're traveling or I am, I hope these online classes I created will help you to keep up with your practice and continue your progress.
You will gain access to 9 different classes ranging from 30-60 minutes and from beginner to more advanced levels.
- 20% OFF - LALIFE20
Lifetime Access to Summer Classes
AED495495AEDA one-time charge for lifetime access to the current videos available/ listed below! 1 month of Lauren Anne Online Classes
AED349349AEDThe best value for a whole month of practice together!Valid for one month2 weeks of Lauren Anne Online Classes
AED249249AEDWhether you're on holiday or if it's because I am, I'm so glad we can still practice together!Valid for 2 weeks1 week of Lauren Anne Online Classes
AED199199AEDGreat for when you are (or I am) going on holiday or you're just having a super busy week!Valid for one week
Lauren Anne Online Classes for Summer 20...
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